  • -6,00 €

Abbas. Cellular and Molecular Immunology 10e

80,00 €
74,00 € Risparmia 6,00 €
Tasse incluse

Well-written, readable, and superbly illustrated, Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 10th Edition, continues the tradition of excellence established through multiple editions of this bestselling text. Offering an unparalleled introduction to this complex field, it retains a practical, clinical focus while updating and revising all content to ensure clarity and comprehension, bringing readers fully up to date with new and emerging information in this challenging area. It’s an ideal resource for medical, graduate, and undergraduate students, as well as a trusted reference for physicians and scientists. 

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    Highlights the implications of immunologic science for the management of human disease, emphasizing clinical relevance throughout.  

    Employs a highly accessible writing style that makes difficult concepts easier to understand, and provides clear implications of immunologic science to the management of human disease and clinical practice.

    Features updates from cover to cover, including new information on intracellular sensors of innate immunity, therapeutic use of monoclonal antibodies, regulation of migration events during T cell-B cell interactions, regulatory and transcriptional events in germinal center formation, immunology of infectious diseases including coronaviruses, human immunodeficiency disorders, and immunology of HIV.

    Provides a highly visual, full-color description of the key immunologic and molecular processes with a fully updated, comprehensive, and consistent art program, including many new  and extensively revised illustrations.

    Helps readers grasp the details of experimental observations that form the basis for the science of immunology at the molecular, cellular, and whole-organism levels and draw the appropriate conclusions.  

    Includes summary boxes that assist with rapid review and mastery of key material.  

    Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access multiple-choice questions that correspond to each chapter, plus all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

Scheda tecnica

Abbas, Lichtman & Pillai
Casa Editrice
Elsevier Books
Anno pubblicazione
Mese di Pubblicazione
Copertina flessibile

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Questo volume nasce per stimolare una cultura allergologica: il lettore specializzando e specialista in allergologia, medicina interna, immunologia, dermatologia e dietologia troverà un numero di argomenti che abbracciano i più importanti settori dell’allergologia illustrando gli aspetti diagnostici, patogenetici e clinici selezionati da lavori qualificati di ricercatori clinici e dall’esperienza di autori competenti per la migliore comprensione delle acquisizioni relative alla patologia allergica.