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Salmon. Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology 10e

218,00 €
192,00 € Risparmia 26,00 €
Tasse incluse Consegna: pronta in libreria, da 2 a 3 giorni per la spedizione

Through eight outstanding editions, Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology has been the classic specialty textbook, providing the perfect ophthalmology foundation for trainees and a valuable reference source for experienced practitioners. The 9th Edition retains Dr. Kanski's highly effective format of succinct text and visually dynamic presentation, providing authoritative, focused guidance on the diagnosis and management of ophthalmic disorders. Extremely well organized and comprehensive in scope, this visually stunning book reflects the latest advances in the field, facilitating quick comprehension to enhance learning, aid exam preparation and guide clinical practice. As a general ophthalmic textbook, this is the gold standard.

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Table of Contents:

1. Eyelids
2. Lacrimal Drainage System
3. Orbit
4. Dry Eye Disorders
5. Conjunctiva
6. Cornea
7. Corneal and Refractive Surgery
8. Episclera and Sclera
9. Lens
10. Glaucoma
11. Uveitis
12. Ocular Tumours
13. Retinal Vascular Disease
14. Acquired Macular Disorders
15. Hereditary Fundus Dystrophies
16. Retinal Detachment
17. Vitreous Opacities
18. Strabismus
19. Neuro-ophthalmology
20. Ocular side-effects of systemic medication
21. Trauma


Scheda tecnica

John Salmon
Casa Editrice
Elsevier Books
Anno pubblicazione
Mese di Pubblicazione
Copertina rigida

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