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Courtney Broaddu. Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 7th Edition

384,00 €
315,00 € Risparmia 69,00 €
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Ideal for fellows and practicing pulmonologists who need an authoritative, comprehensive reference on all aspects of pulmonary medicine, Murray and Nadel’s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine offers the most definitive content on basic science, diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of the full spectrum of respiratory diseases. Included with your print purchase is the Expert Consult eBook version, which offers content updates, videos, review questions, and Thoracic Imaging Cases (TICs), all of which are easily navigable on any device for access on rounds or in the clinic. The embedded videos cover thoracoscopy, therapeutic bronchoscopy, volumetric chest CT scans, and more, while brand-new audio files highlight normal and abnormal breath sounds and the separate components of cough.

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Table of Contents:



SECTION A: Anatomy and Development of the Respiratory Tract
1 Anatomy of the Lungs
2 Lung Growth and Development
3 Genetics of Lung Disease

SECTION B: Respiratory Physiology
4 Ventilation, Blood Flow, and Gas Exchange
5 Respiratory System Mechanics and Energetics
6 Pulmonary Circulation and Regulation of Fluid Balance
7 Acid-Base Balance

SECTION C: Defense Mechanisms and Immunology
8 Alveolar Epithelium and Pulmonary Surfactant
9 Alveolar Epithelium and Fluid Transport
10 Airway Epithelium and Mucous Secretion
11 Aerosol Deposition and Clearance
12 Innate Immunity
13 Adaptive Immunity

SECTION D: Respiratory Pathology and Inflammation
14 Pathology: Malignant and Interstitial Lung Diseases
15 Injury and Repair


SECTION E: Diagnosis
16 History and Physical Examination
17 Microbiologic Diagnosis of Lung Infection
18 Thoracic Radiology: Noninvasive Diagnostic Imaging
19 Thoracic Radiology: Invasive Diagnostic Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions
20 Ultrasonography
21 Positron Emission Tomography
22 Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
23 Therapeutic Bronchoscopy
24 Thoracoscopy

SECTION F: Evaluation
25 Pulmonary Function Testing
26 Clinical Exercise Testing
27 Preoperative Evaluation
28 Evaluation of Respiratory Impairment and Disability


SECTION G: Symptoms of Respiratory Disease and Their Management
29 Dyspnea
30 Cough
31 Chest Pain

SECTION H: Infectious Diseases of the Lungs
32 Viral Infections
33 Bacterial Pneumonia and Lung Abscess
34 Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
35 Tuberculosis
36 Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections
37 Endemic Mycoses
38 Opportunistic Mycoses
39 Parasitic Infections
40 Bioterrorism

SECTION I: Obstructive Diseases
41 Asthma: Pathogenesis and Phenotypes
42 Asthma: Clinical Diagnosis and Management
43 COPD: Pathogenesis and Natural History
44 COPD: Clinical Diagnosis and Management
45 Genetics in Asthma and COPD
46 Smoking Hazards and Cessation
47 Cystic Fibrosis
48 Bronchiectasis
49 Upper Airway Disorders
50 Bronchiolitis and Other Intrathoracic Airway Disorders


SECTION J: Neoplasms of the Lung
51 Biology of Lung Cancer
52 Epidemiology of Lung Cancer
53 Clinical Aspects of Lung Cancer
54 Rare Primary Lung Tumors
55 Metastatic Malignant Tumors
56 Benign Lung Tumors

SECTION K: Disorders of the Pulmonary Circulation
57 Pulmonary Thromboembolism
58 Pulmonary Hypertension
59 Pulmonary Hypertension due to Lung Disease
60 Pulmonary Vasculitis
61 Pulmonary Vascular Abnormalities
62 Pulmonary Edema

SECTION L: Infiltrative and Interstitial Lung Diseases
63 Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias
64 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
65 Connective Tissue Diseases
66 Sarcoidosis
67 Alveolar Hemorrhage and Rare Infiltrative Diseases
68 Eosinophilic Lung Diseases
69 Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
70 Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Syndrome
71 Drug-Induced Pulmonary Disease

SECTION M: Environmental and Occupational Hazards
72 Asthma in the Workplace
73 Pneumoconioses
74 Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution
75 Acute Responses to Toxic Exposures
76 Trauma and Blast Injuries
77 High Altitude
78 Diving Medicine

SECTION N: Disorders of the Pleura
79 Pleural Effusion
80 Pleural Infections
81 Pneumothorax, Chylothorax, Hemothorax, and Fibrothorax
82 Pleural Tumors

SECTION O: Disorders of the Mediastinum
83 Mediastinal Tumors and Cysts
84 Pneumomediastinum and Mediastinitis

SECTION P: Disorders of Sleep and Control of Breathing
85 Control of Breathing and Upper Airways During Sleep
86 Hypocapnia and Hypercapnia
87 Consequences of Sleep Disruption
88 Obstructive Sleep Apnea
89 Central Sleep Apnea

SECTION Q: Respiratory Manifestations of Extrapulmonary Disorders
90 Pulmonary Complications of HIV Infection
91 Pulmonary Complications of Stem Cell and Solid Organ Transplantation
92 Pulmonary Complications of Primary Immunodeficiencies
93 Pulmonary Complications of Abdominal Diseases
94 Pulmonary Complications of Hematologic Diseases
95 Pulmonary Complications of Endocrine Diseases
96 The Lungs in Obstetric and Gynecologic Diseases
97 The Respiratory System and Neuromuscular Diseases
98 The Respiratory System and Chest Wall Diseases

SECTION R: Management of Respiratory Failure
99 Acute Ventilatory Failure
100 Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure and ARDS
101 Mechanical Ventilation
102 Noninvasive Ventilation
103 Extracorporeal Support of Gas Exchange
104 End-of-Life Care in Respiratory Failure
105 Pulmonary Rehabilitation
106 Lung Transplantation

Scheda tecnica

V.Courtney Broaddus & Joel D Ernst & Talmadge E King Jr & Stephen C. Lazarus & Kathleen F. Sarmiento & Lynn M. Schnapp & Renee D Stapleton & Michael B. Gotway
Casa Editrice
Elsevier Books
Anno pubblicazione
Mese di Pubblicazione
Copertina rigida

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