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  • Casa Editrice: Città Studi
  • Casa Editrice: Elsevier
  • Casa Editrice: Società Editrice Universo

Chestnut. Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia:...

232,00 € 199,00 € -33,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

From basic science to various anesthesia techniques to complications, the meticulously updated, fifth edition of Chestnut?s Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice, covers all you need to know about obstetric anesthesia. An editorial team of leading authorities presents the latest on anesthesia techniques for labor and delivery and medical disorders that occur during pregnancy. New chapters and rewritten versions of key chapters cover topics such as psychiatric disorders in the pregnant patient, neurologic disorders, and critical care of obstetric patients.With online access to the full text, it is an invaluable, comprehensive reference textbook for specialists in obstetric anesthesiology and obstetricians, as well as anesthesiology and obstetric residents.

Chiarello. Trattato di Chirurgia Cardiaca

90,00 € 83,00 € -7,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

Il trattato raccogliere l’esperienza internazionale del Prof. Chiariello in un testo di cardiochirurgia completo, esaustivo e aggiornato. L’opera è divisa in quattro parti, dedicate rispettivamente a argomenti di carattere generale, alle cardiopatie congenite, alle malattie cardiovascolari acquisite, a altre condizioni cardiache

Ciottone. Ciottone's Disaster Medicine 3e

157,00 € 139,00 € -18,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

The most comprehensive resource of its kind, Ciottone’s Disaster Medicine, 2nd Edition, thoroughly covers isolated domestic events as well as global disasters and humanitarian crises. Dr. Gregory Ciottone and more than 200 worldwide authorities share their knowledge and expertise on the preparation, assessment, and management of both natural and man-made disasters, including terrorist attacks and the threat of biological warfare. Part 1 offers an A-to-Z resource for every aspect of disaster medicine and management, while Part 2 features an exhaustive compilation of every conceivable disaster event, organized to facilitate quick reference in a real-time setting.

Cottrell. Cottrell and Patel's Neuroanesthesia 6e

216,00 € 184,00 € -32,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

Featuring new co-editor Piyush Patel, MD, the updated edition of Cottrell and Patel's Neuroanesthesia continues to serve as the definitive reference on this important field of medicine. Clinically oriented chapters are clearly organized and cover key clinical points, case presentations, and discussions, delivering the complete and authoritative guidance you need to ensure optimal perioperative safety for neurosurgical patients.

Davis. Smith's Anesthesia for Infants and...

249,00 € 210,00 € -39,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

Now thoroughly up to date with new chapters and new multimedia resources, Smith’s Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 9th Edition, by Drs. Peter Davis and Franklyn Cladis, covers the information you need to provide effective perioperative care for any type of pediatric surgery. Leading experts in pediatric anesthesia bring you up to date with every aspect of both basic science and clinical practice, helping you incorporate the latest clinical guidelines and innovations in your practice

Demeio. Elementi di meccanica classica per...

33,00 € 31,00 € -2,00 €
Disponibilità: 9 In magazzino

Questo testo tratta i concetti fondamentali della meccanica classica newtoniana e lagrangiana, in vista delle applicazioni all’ingegneria meccanica e civile. Si introduce lo studente allo studio del moto del punto materiale e dei sistemi di punti materiali con particolare riguardo alla dinamica e alla statica dei corpi rigidi e dei sistemi composti da più parti rigide. L’esposizione teorica è accompagnata da innumerevoli esempi e applicazioni tratti dall’esperienza didattica dell’autore. Il testo è inoltre contraddistinto da numerosi esercizi disponibili sul sito web.

Farag. Brown's Atlas of Regional Anesthesia 6e

186,00 € 160,00 € -26,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

Cosegna in 6/10 giorni

Regarded as the go-to reference in the field, Atlas of Regional Anesthesia brings you the detailed visual guidance and unmatched expertise needed to confidently administer a myriad of nerve block techniques in all areas of the body. Step-by-step illustrations demonstrate each technique in a simple, easy-to-follow manner while an emphasis on cross-sectional anatomy, illustrations of gross and surface anatomy, and ultrasound, CT and MRI scans help you develop a 3-dimensional concept of anatomy essential to successful regional anesthesia. Extensive updates throughout provide state-of-the-art coverage of conventional and ultrasound-guided techniques, as well as new coverage of the latest procedures

Feldman. Sleisenger and Fordtran's...

314,00 € 148,00 € -166,00 €
Disponibilità: 1 In magazzino

Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management

Now in its 10th edition, Sleisenger and Fordtran?s Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease remains your indispensable source for definitive, state-of-the-art answers on every aspect of gastroenterology and hepatology. Overcome your most complex clinical challenges and make optimal use of the newest techniques, technologies, and treatments?with superb guidance from hundreds of world-renowned authorities. Meticulous updates throughout include the latest approaches and improvements in gastrointestinal and liver disease diagnosis and therapy as well as hundreds of images and 35 new procedural videos.

Feldman. Sleisenger and Fordtran's...

332,00 € 289,00 € -43,00 €
Disponibilità: 1 In magazzino

For nearly 50 years Sleisenger & Fordtran’s Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease has been the go-to reference for gastroenterology and hepatology residents fellows physicians and the entire GI caregiving team. Now in a fully revised 11th Edition this two-volume masterwork brings together the knowledge and expertise of hundreds of global experts who keep you up to date with the newest techniques technologies and treatments for every clinical challenge you face in gastroenterology and hepatology. A logical organization more than 1 100 full-color illustrations and easy-to-use algorithms ensure that you’ll quickly and easily find the information you need.

Fillit. Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric...

230,00 € 187,00 € -43,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

The leading reference in the field of geriatric care, Brocklehurst’s Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 8th Edition, by Drs. Howard M. Fillit, Kenneth Rockwood, and John B. Young, provides a contemporary, global perspective on topics of importance to today’s gerontologists, internal medicine physicians, and family doctors. An increased focus on frailty, along with coverage of key issues in gerontology, disease-specific geriatrics, and complex syndromes specific to the elderly, makes this 8th Edition the reference you’ll turn to in order to meet the unique challenges posed by this growing patient population.