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Anestesia pediatrica

Anestesia pediatrica

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Cote. A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and...

244,00 € 209,00 € -35,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

Covering everything from preoperative evaluation to neonatal emergencies to the PACU, Coté, Lerman and Anderson’s A Practice of Anesthesia in Infants and Children, 7th Edition, features state-of-the-art advice on the safe, effective administration of general and regional anesthesia and sedation strategies for young patients. This text reviews underlying scientific information, addresses preoperative assessment and anesthesia management in detail, and provides guidelines for postoperative care, emergencies, and special procedures. Comprehensive in scope and thoroughly up to date, this edition delivers unsurpassed coverage of every key aspect of pediatric anesthesia.

Davis. Smith's Anesthesia for Infants and...

249,00 € 210,00 € -39,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

Now thoroughly up to date with new chapters and new multimedia resources, Smith’s Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 9th Edition, by Drs. Peter Davis and Franklyn Cladis, covers the information you need to provide effective perioperative care for any type of pediatric surgery. Leading experts in pediatric anesthesia bring you up to date with every aspect of both basic science and clinical practice, helping you incorporate the latest clinical guidelines and innovations in your practice

Holzman. A Practical Approach to Pediatric...

95,00 € 87,00 € -8,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

Part of the highly popular Practical Approach to Anesthesia series, this new edition combines the comprehensive depth of a textbook and the user-friendly features of a practical handbook. Focusing on clinical issues in pediatric anesthesia, it contains the in-depth information you need for daily practice and study, presented in a concise, bulleted format for quick reference. With its emphasis on developmental aspects of pediatric anesthesia, numerous illustrations and tables, and methodical approach to decision making, this updated reference is an invaluable resource for anyone involved with anesthesia of children.

Villani. Anestesia...
  • -10,00 €
  • Non prenotabile (esaurito o in ristampa)

Villani. Anestesia neonatale e pediatrica

89,00 € 79,00 € -10,00 €
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Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

Questo volume nasce dall'esigenza, sentita da molti anestesisti e in particolare da coloro che non operano abitualmente in una struttura pediatrica, di disporre di un testo pratico al quale fare riferimento nella gestione anestesiologica del bambino. Un ulteriore stimolo è poi derivato dalla recente pubblicazione, da parte della Federazione delle Associazioni Europee di Anestesia Pediatrica (FEAPA), delle linee guida relative al training minimo in Anestesia Pediatrica richiesto nella Comunità Europea