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Casa Editrice

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  • Casa Editrice: Castello Editore
  • Casa Editrice: De Feo Editore
  • Casa Editrice: Elsevier
  • Casa Editrice: Istituto Itard Edizioni

Boyer. Atlante flora e fauna del Rif

29,00 €
Disponibilità: 1 In magazzino

Una guida completa ed esaustiva delle barriere coralline accompagnata da tantissime fotografie uniche nel loro genere per snorkelers, divers, turisti nautici e curiosi in generale. Ben 1273 fotografie (quasi esclusivamente dell'autore) illustrano oltre 850 specie di organismi diversi, colti quasi sempre nei loro atteggiamenti tipici, evidenziando le loro particolari interazioni.

Brant-Zawadzki. Pocket Radiologist: Colonna...

75,00 € 57,00 € -18,00 €
Disponibilità: 1 In magazzino

1.Patologie congenite. 2.Patologia traumatica. 3.Patologie degenerative. 4.Infezioni. 5.processi infiammatori autoimmuni. 6.Neoplasie. 7.Cisti e masse non neoplastiche. 8.Complicanze postoperatorie. 9.Lezioni vascolari. 10.Alterazioni del midollo vertebrale. 11.Imaging del plesso nervoso.

Burks. Middleton's Allergy 2-Volume Set 9e

321,00 € 276,00 € -45,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

Through eight outstanding editions, Middleton's Allergy: Principles and Practice has been the reference of choice for both clinicians and researchers as both a practical reference and an effective self-assessment tool for board preparation. The 9th Edition continues the tradition of excellence with comprehensive coverage of all basic science and clinical applications regarding allergy practice and disease mechanisms. It brings you fully up to date with recent innovations in the diagnosis, prevention, and management of allergic disorders, including emerging global issues, the advent of precision medicine, and new immunologic therapies.

Chestnut. Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia:...

241,00 € 209,00 € -32,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

From basic science to various anesthesia techniques to complications, the meticulously updated, fifth edition of Chestnut?s Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice, covers all you need to know about obstetric anesthesia. An editorial team of leading authorities presents the latest on anesthesia techniques for labor and delivery and medical disorders that occur during pregnancy. New chapters and rewritten versions of key chapters cover topics such as psychiatric disorders in the pregnant patient, neurologic disorders, and critical care of obstetric patients.With online access to the full text, it is an invaluable, comprehensive reference textbook for specialists in obstetric anesthesiology and obstetricians, as well as anesthesiology and obstetric residents.

Ciottone. Ciottone's Disaster Medicine 3e

157,00 € 139,00 € -18,00 €
Disponibilità: Non in magazzino

The most comprehensive resource of its kind, Ciottone’s Disaster Medicine, 2nd Edition, thoroughly covers isolated domestic events as well as global disasters and humanitarian crises. Dr. Gregory Ciottone and more than 200 worldwide authorities share their knowledge and expertise on the preparation, assessment, and management of both natural and man-made disasters, including terrorist attacks and the threat of biological warfare. Part 1 offers an A-to-Z resource for every aspect of disaster medicine and management, while Part 2 features an exhaustive compilation of every conceivable disaster event, organized to facilitate quick reference in a real-time setting.

Crispiani, Palmieri. Champion Pressing....

15,00 €
Disponibilità: 10 In magazzino
Quadro teorico i e pratiche professionali del trattamento abilitativo speciale di disordini funzionali prassico-motori, cognitivi, comunicativi, adattivi secondo le pratiche del cognitive motor training. Cap.1-Io non mi arrendo. Cap.2-La champion pressing. Cap.3-Gli obiettivi. Cap.4-La struttura. Cap.5-Il principio attivo. Cap.6-La champion praxic. Cap.7-La champion lirm. Cap.8-La champion age. Cap.9-La valutazione. Parole chiave. Sigle di testo. Materiali professionali.

Crispiani. Il Metodo Crispiani

17,00 € 16,00 € -1,00 €
Disponibilità: 5 In magazzino

Clinica della Dislessia e Disprassia

Prevenzione, Valutazione, Trattamento abilitativo, Didattica, Orientamenrto allo studio, Orientament scolastico e professionale, Counseling dell'adulto, Orientamento alla vita.